Trader Joe's Just Released A New Dessert That's A Peanut Butter Cup Crossed With A Peppermint Patty

In a season of pumpkin spice everything, sometimes you just need a ride-or-die combo of chocolate and peanut butter to reawaken your taste buds. Thanks to Trader Joe's, we now have exactly that.
Trader Joe's is stepping up its chocolate game with a treat that the grocery chain describes as a "cross between a peanut butter cup and a peppermint patty." The result is the Peanut Butter Roundel, and pure, chocolate-y deliciousness.
Don't expect the same uber-sweet stuff you would find within a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup to appear in Trader Joe's latest candy creation. One of the best things about Trader Joe's is that the store tends to use some of its best products as ingredients to craft its new tasty treats. That's the case with the Peanut Butter Roundels: The official Trader Joe's website says they're filled with the company's famous No Stir Peanut Butter, the same kind perfect for your PB&J.
The outside of the patty, however, comes in two flavors — ideal for when you want to split the pack of 8 with a friend. If you prefer your chocolate with a sweeter kick, the milk chocolate variety is for you — but the dark chocolate variety is likely just as delicious, so why not go halvsies on both flavors?
Instagrammer and foodie @PoweredByIceCream declares Peanut Butter Roundels are A+.
Peanut butter not your thing? Fortunately, Trader Joe's knows how to do chocolate right, even outside of the candy department. It recently launched frozen Chocolate Filled Crêpes, for when you're feeling both French and incredibly lazy. The store also boasts Brownie Crisp Coffee Ice Cream Sandwiches, which, yes, is coffee ice cream smushed between brownies. Be still my beating heart, indeed.
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