How To See October's Two Gorgeous Meteor Showers

Photo: Getty Images.
October is most commonly associated with the excessiveness of pumpkin-flavored treats, single size servings of candy, orange and black everything, spooky haunted houses, and frenzied last-minute costume searches at Party City and Target.
But there are two nights of the month when you should put your Halloween fervor aside and focus on the impressive show happening above you. At the beginning and end of the month, there are two meteor showers that will be worth looking up at: the Draconids in early October followed by the Orionids towards month's end.
According to EarthSky, the Draconids will hit their peak on October 8, giving you the best chances at seeing more meteors. NASA's Solar System Exploration Research Virtual Institute reports that the meteor shower is caused by Earth's collision with debris from the 21P/Giacobini-Zinner comet. The shower's name is derived from the Draco constellation, where the meteors appear to originate in the sky.
There is a chance that the light from an early rising moon could interfere with your views of the Draconids. But it's still worth heading outside, finding an area without too much light pollution, and looking towards the north.
You'll have a better chance of seeing more meteors with the Orionid shower later in the month. Though the shower takes place from August 25 to November 19, the American Meteor Society says that the peak will be on October 22. That night, you'll be able to see as many as 10 to 20 meteors fly through the sky.
According to, the Orionids are caused by pieces breaking off from Halley's Comet. You'll see them coming from the Orion constellation. As is the case with the Draconids, head to a spot with less light pollution (i.e. fewer street lights) for the best views of the shower.
Watch both showers during their peaks, then don your halloween costume. And, if you're feeling so inspired, channel the sky in your final look come October 31.

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