Science Could Have Helped Jack Survive In Titanic

Photo: 20th Century Fox/Paramount/Kobal/REX/Shutterstock.
There's always one scene in Titanic that always gets us right in the feels: it was when Jack Dawson (Leonardo DiCaprio) dies at the end of the film. Who can forget watching Rose DeWitt Bukater (Kate Winslet) pushing Jack's frozen body into the water and watching it sink into the dark ocean?
It was heartbreaking, and fans from all over have asserted that Jack could have survived. Now, we may have scientific proof that explains, once and for all, how Jack could have survived.
Various fans and shows, like MythBusters, have attempted to answer this question. Scientist and StarTalk host Neil deGrasse Tyson recently dedicated an episode to this, as well. He says that though there is an answer, it's not where people think it is. For deGrasse Tyson, they key to solving this once in for all lies in the action of the character in his final scenes.
"Whether or not he could’ve been successful, I would’ve tried more than once. You try once. ‘Oh, this is not gonna work. I will just freeze to death in the water.’ No, excuse me. No!" he says. "The survival instinct is way stronger than that in everybody, especially in that character. He’s a survivor, right? He gets through. He gets by.”
deGrasse Tyson goes on to connect how science can help to solve some of the most perplexing situations. He goes on to say: “And I’ll tell you this, if that character was Matt Damon from The Martian he would’ve made an outboard motor and saved everybody. This is how science can help you!”
Titanic director James Cameron will appear on an upcoming episode of StarTalk, but fans of the film can rest knowing that their biggest question has been solved — with the help of science.
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