Dr. Sandra Lee, more commonly known as Dr. Pimple Popper, has amassed a huge following that's addicted to her dermatological endeavors. For fans who can't get enough, Allure reports that a particular Instagram account may fill the time between Dr. Pimple Popper videos. @Tweezist is another can't-look-away feed, only it focuses on the DIY removal of ingrown hairs instead of blackheads and pimples.
With absolutely no blood or mysterious liquids, @Tweezist may be easier to stomach for the more squeamish viewers out there. Nonetheless, it'll still satisfy the need to see skin-related vids. Allure notes that all of the videos are super zoomed-in macro shots of various ingrown hairs. One comment revealed that the clips all come from @Tweezist's very own legs, except for a few where she recruited a male friend with a beard.
Each video reveals a different kind of ingrown hair, so there's no shortage of variety. While blackhead removal may offer the satisfaction of a clean pore, these liberated hairs offer a different kind of fulfillment: smooth skin. Some hairs come out curly, others release with a smooth, satisfying slide, and others seem to be the iceberg of skin conditions – what appears to be a short, stubby hair reveals itself to be longer than anyone could have expected. With such close-up shots, its akin to watching a mile-long hair come out the skin.
With some videos logging over 35,000 views, @Tweezist is on its way to amassing a following akin to Dr. Pimple Popper. And while there's a long way to go before reaching 2.5 million subscribers à la Sandra Lee, it looks like @Tweezist is giving the people what they want, one tiny hair removal at a time.
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