This May Be Kit Harington’s Best Game Of Thrones Joke Yet

Photo: Courtesy of HBO.
Jon Snow (Kit Harington) may know nothing, but he's got all kinds of tricks up his sleeve. Turns out the famously unsmiling Stark/Targaryen is quite the prankster, when he's not busy fighting undead soldiers. Remember when he stocked his fridge with a severed head? We still can't get over that video of fianceé Rose Leslie screaming and sobbing at the sight of it. Not cool, Jon Snow!
Harington brings the funny again, and this time he's helped along by Leslie. Glamour tells the story of how Harington and Leslie were invited to a themed party, and the theme was "bad taste."
Now, there's all kinds of ways to really work this theme. Clashing colors? Referencing the flavor of Brussel's sprouts? Dressing up as a hair metal singer? Okay, sure.
Leslie, however, encouraged Harington to wear his Jon Snow costume. As in, the costume he wears on set for Game of Thrones. "She pulled out a Jon Snow costume, and Rose just whispered in my ear, ‘I won't love you if you don't wear it…. You should do it,'" he explains. We love how Harington just happens to have his Jon Snow gear sitting in his closet. That costume is probably incredibly heavy, considering he wears a plate armor breastplate and an IKEA rug for a cape.
In fact, Harington realized he really rode the theme hard when he noticed looks from the other party guests. "It was really embarrassing. The people bringing around canapés were looking at me, thinking, You're sad, man! You've come to a party dressed as your character." Sad? We disagree. If that's not brilliantly bad taste, we don't know what is. Clearly, Rose Leslie really does have all the brains in the relationship.
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