When you think about it, pizza is kind of already the perfect Christmas food. The colors are very on-brand for the holiday. Traditional Italian pizza is already white (thanks to mozzarella cheese) and red (courtesy of tomato sauce). Sprinkle some oregano and basical on top, and it's basically Santa's hat, complete with a sprig of holly.
But that's not good enough for British supermarket Asda, who wants to make pizza as Christmas-y as possible. According to Cosmopolitan, a Christmas dinner-themed pizza is coming to Asda stores, and it sounds...well, a little confusing.
There's no right or wrong way to prepare a feast for the holidays, but there are certain meals that may evoke the December 25th holiday more than others. Those are the food items that will top Asda's Christmas dinner pizza.
On the menu — err, the pizza pie — are brussel sprouts, roast potatoes, chicken, and cranberry sauce. It might not seem like the weirdest thing in the world, especially considering the popularity of holiday-themed sandwiches, one of which is available at Starbucks. Those items typically contain cranberry sauce, turkey, and potatoes — not all that different from what's going on with this pizza situation.
Except, this pizza is weird. Because, according to Cosmopolitan, the pizza is still a normal pizza. Not only does it have your typical pizza crust (fine), it also still has cheese and tomato sauce.
There's pretty much zero question here: Christmas-dinner pizza is a combination of way too many flavors.
And yet...not everyone on Twitter agrees. So weird.
"Yassss this is a dream," wrote one fan. "A Christmas dinner pizza."
Yassss this is a dream ? a Christmas dinner pizza pic.twitter.com/MskCw1HdMk
— Ollie McGrath (@OliverMcGrath) November 15, 2017
Others just didn't know how to process the information.
"Not sure how to feel about the fact that Asda have brought out a Christmas dinner pizza."
Not sure how to feel about the fact that Asda have brought out a Christmas dinner pizza
— Isobel (@bella_blogs) November 15, 2017
Others were disappointed by a specific topping — and no, it wasn't the cranberry sauce.
"Asda are bringing out a Christmas Dinner Pizza. Brussel sprouts do not belong on a pizza."
Asda are bringing out a Christmas Dinner Pizza ? brussel sprouts do not belong on a pizza ? #ASDA #pizza
— Caroline Roberts (@CaroRoberts73) November 15, 2017
If I'm eating pizza over the holidays, I'll stick to tried-and-true plain cheese, please.
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