Lady Gaga Gave The Most Emotional Acceptance Speech At The AMAs

The 2017 AMAs were a total bro fest, with men nominated for and winning most of the awards. But, not even Niall Horan could take the spotlight away from Lady Gaga who, in addition to performing a moving rendition of "The Cure," won the award for Favorite Pop/Rock Female Artist and gave hands-down the best speech of the entire night.
Dressed in a bedazzled body suit with what have to have been the largest shoulder pads ever created, Mother Monster stopped her Joanne World Tour concert and proved once again that she is dedicated to inclusivity.
"Thank you so much. I have the best fans in the whole world," she said. "I am so lucky. You just remember that if you feel different or if you feel not understood, don't you dare give up on who you are. You fight like hell for what you believe in. I love you."
Gaga has faced her own fair share of health issues this year and has talked openly about her struggles with fibromyalgia and chronic pain. Though she could have discussed her own strength and resilience, she chose instead to remind her fans that they are important and loved, not despite of who they are but because of it. As the current administration works so diligently to tear people apart because of their differences — from making workspaces more dangerous for trans folks to actively discriminating against immigrants — it's so important for stars like Gaga to use their platform to unite fans.
Her words were genuine and seemed to have a profound impact on viewers.
"I always feel ridiculous when I say Gaga is my role model. But she truly is," one person tweeted. "She was there when I needed the encouragement and self love and self acceptance back in high school. Back when I didn’t have the support system that I do now."
Another wrote: "@LadyGaga thank you. You'll never know how strong a moment like this is for me....Saying words like this speech make me live. You are my powerful base. I love you with all my heart and soul."
Judging from the other reactions online, Lady Gaga is decidedly the hero we all so desperately need.
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