Crazy Ex-Girlfriend Is Officially Done With Boyfriends

Photo: Courtesy of the CW
Don't expect Rebecca to run into the arms of a new guy when Crazy Ex-Girlfriend returns. According to the show's 100th song, Rachel Bloom's titular character is officially done with love.
(For now, at least.)
Following a dark turn that led to her attempting to overdose on pills while on her flight back to California, Rebecca was diagnosed with borderline personality disorder. Through therapy, the lawyer learned to come to terms with her diagnosis, and now, she's excited to get to work on her mental wellness workbooks.
One thing that won't be in her near future? A significant other, according to Bloom's new interview with Entertainment Weekly.
Per Bloom's interview, the show will display Rebecca's new, boy-free outlook on life in the show's 100th musical number, set to air during the January 12th episode. The title of said song? "Without Love You Can Save the World."
"It almost looks like [the actors in the scene] are in some kind of cult based around the idea of not being in love," Bloom explained to EW. "It's like we’re singing about the Age of Aquarius, except we’re singing about how love makes you a selfish, terrible person."
Being in love might not have made Rebecca "selfish," but her fixation on Josh (Vincent Rodriguez III) definitely caused plenty of issues in her other relationships. Rebecca has spent a majority of the series obsessing over, stalking, and, most recently, going full-on Swimfan on her former camp boyfriend. Throughout all of this, she's roped in friends like Paula (Donna Lynne Champlin) to do her Josh-related bidding, which ultimately caused its own set of issues in Paula's life.
If Rebecca really is done with romance, that will likely be pretty hard on Nathaniel (Scott Michael Foster), her boss at the law firm who finds himself with a surprising interest in the West Covina transplant. Still, as Crazy Ex-Girlfriend has proved time and time again, it never really was about the boys, anyway — so good for Rebecca for attempting to save the world sans a love life.

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