Celebrities Support "Keep Birth Control Copay Free" Campaign By Telling Trump #HandsOffMyBC

Photographed by Ashley Armitage
In October, the Trump administration rolled back the Obama-era mandate that required employers to include birth control coverage in their insurance plans. The move inspired the Keep Birth Control Copay Free campaign, which allows women to send their birth control invoices to the Tweeter-in-Chief.
But the invoices aren't just a joke or a way to blow off steam: They're being submitted to The Federal Register as an official statement of opposition to the Trump administration's new rules.
With today as the deadline to register public comments with the Federal Register, people everywhere are using social media as a final push to send a strong message — and celebrities with millions of followers are joining in to voice their support and raise awareness.
It's inspiring to see all of these people using their platforms to reach millions of social media users who may not be aware of the movement, because this doesn't impact a small number of individuals: According to Keep Birth Control Copay Free, 99% of sexually active women rely on birth control at some point during their lives. Unplanned pregnancies, teen pregnancies, and abortion rates are at an all-time low thanks in no small part to contraception access.
The Keep Birth Control Copay Free campaign joined forces with the Upright Citizens Brigade to deliver a comprehensive invoice to Trump on behalf of the 99% of women who use birth control. (Spoiler alert: It adds up to a cool $1.4 billion per year.)
If you want to send Trump your birth control invoice, click here to send along the bill and a message that you're not letting go of birth control coverage without a fight.

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