People On Twitter Are Pitching Black Mirror Episode Ideas, & They're Pretty Good

Photo: Courtesy of Netflix.
Black Mirror is a show that doesn't just entertain, it also makes us think. A good episode can stay in your head for days, making you wonder just how fantastical Charlie Brooker's vision of future technology really is. At its best, it's also a show that's highly emotive. Just try to think about the climax of last year's "San Junipero" episode without feeling the start of a lump in your throat and hearing Belinda Carlisle's "Heaven Is a Place on Earth" in your head.
Season four of Black Mirror launched on 29th December, and people are already discussing the show's growing tendency to self-reference, the feminist themes of one of its standout episodes, and the blink-and-you'll-miss-them superstar cameos. On Twitter, some fans are even pitching their own ideas for future Black Mirror episodes. Some of these ideas are clearly tongue-in-cheek, but others might just have something to them. Check out some of our favorite pitches below.
Oh, and this jokey one is totally relatable.
Though Charlie Brooker writes most Black Mirror episodes solo, he has been known to collaborate. He co-wrote the season one episode "Fifteen Million Merits" with wife (and Blue Peter legend) Konnie Huq, while the season four episode "Nosedive" was co-written by Parks and Recreation actress Rashida Jones.
And in a way, making an entire episode of a TV show based on something you read on Twitter feels like a very Black Mirror thing to do. So if you think you have a brilliant Black Mirror pitch, don't be afraid to share it. You never know who might see it!
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