Why Madonna's Daughter Will Inspire Your New Year's Resolution

Some people start the new year by swearing off alcohol. Others adjust their self-care routines, downloading a handful of meditation apps. But if dry January or a $200 yoga studio package sounds like too much of a commitment for you right now, do what Madonna's daughter Lourdes Leon does: Keep everything exactly the same — no matter what the haters say. If that means standing proudly by your decision to ditch the razor, so be it.
Over the holiday weekend, Madonna posted a New Year's Eve photo posing with Leon on Twitter. She co-signed the celebratory picture with the caption: "We are Ready For You 2018! #love." But besides announcing that her family will be taking on 2018 in full force, there was one detail that led hundreds of followers to tweet in response: Leon's armpit hair.
Of course, this isn't the first time Leon has proudly shown off her body hair. Back in April, the 21-year-old was subjected to online bullying over the matter when a photo of her on the beach with armpit hair surfaced. This, and similar unshaved photos posted by other celebrities, triggered a larger body hair debate online. The question became whether to shave your armpits, or to not shave your armpits — the good news being that it's entirely up to you.
While Leon's latest reveal was met with some negativity on Twitter, for the most part, there was much more fan support this time around. Maybe that means this will be the year we let people decide what they want to do with their own bodies — a New Year's resolution worth keeping, if you ask us.
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