Constance Wu Has The Perfect Comeback For This Sexist Slur

Photo: Chelsea Lauren/REX/Shutterstock.
Pictured: Constance Wu at the Women's March.
The next time a man calls you a bitch — because, let's face it, it's bound to happen sooner or later, whether you know the jerk or not — take a cue from Constance Wu.
The Crazy Rich Asians and Fresh Off the Boat actress kicked off her speech at yesterday's Women's March in Los Angeles with a story about being blasted with the B-word by a guy she'd rejected.
"I want to tell you about the first time I refused a man's sexual advances," Wu, who recently appeared in Jay Z's "Family Feud" video, began. "He called me a bitch. He said he didn't even really want me. He said, 'don't flatter yourself, you're not that hot.' He said, 'who do you think you are?'
"You see, my rejection of him made him so uncomfortable that he had to retaliate with insults," she continued. "He had to protect his ego by demeaning me."
Wu went on to discuss the pressure on women to accommodate men, especially as an Asian-American who must push against lazy stereotypes and expectations. She then circled back to that "bitch" comment, ending her speech with a perfect comeback that we'll all (sadly) need to commit to memory.
"I would just like to say to the abusers who have called me a bitch, who have said, 'who do you think you are?': I am Constance Wu," she said to cheers from the crowd. "And as for the 'bitch' part, if you didn't try to do bitch-ass things to us, then we wouldn't have to be bitches back to you. So stop and listen."
Yep, totally stealing that. You can watch Wu's speech in the video below, from around the 14-minute mark.
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