Scott Disick Confirms He Is Going Steady With Sofia Richie To A Skeptical Kris Jenner

Photo: George Pimentel/WireImage.
Scott Disick will confirm his pretty-much-already-confirmed relationship this weekend in an episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashians, a preview clip reveals. Disick has been photographed with the model and celebrity spawn Sofia Richie enough that, you know, we know they're dating, inasmuch as you can ever really know when two people are dating. But Disick and Richie have been silent on their couple-hood. Until Sunday, when Kris Jenner probes Disick for info on his new relationship.
"Are you dating one person? Just one?" Jenner inquires.
Disick, ever the non-committal cool kid, says, "Sure." Then, when Jenner mischievously asks, "Is it Sofia?" he gives another half-hearted confirmation.
Jenner then questions Disick about Richie's age. Richie is 19 and Disick is 34, leaving a clean 15 years between them. Jenner's first husband Robert Kardashian was 12 years older than her but, as Disick rightfully points out, Jenner was only 17 when she met Kardashian. Complicated stuff.
Disick and Richie gave visual confirmation of their relationship in October, when he appeared on her Instagram. They did the red carpet thing in December, appearing together at an event for Art Basel in Miami. Then, Disick shared a video of Richie dancing around in her underwear on his Instagram. So, they're dating, they just weren't official in the Keeping Up with the Kardashians canon. There's Instagram world, and then there's the world that exists within the reality TV narrative. And it looks like Disick's May-December romance has made its way to the latter, just in time to be overshadowed by news of Kylie Jenner's new baby Stormi Webster. (One of the two episodes to be aired Sunday is titled "Kris Jenner's Legacy," which could be about Kylie's pregnancy.)
More importantly, Kendall Jenner sparked rumors of drama between herself and Richie when she named her horse "Dragon." Cute name, right? Except "Dragon" also happens to be the name of Richie's late pet horse. And honestly, with that information, who cares about Disick?
Watch the full preview clip, below.
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