Ben Affleck Is Doing Fine According To Ben Affleck

Photo: Steve Granitz/WireImage.
Ben Affleck's big tattoo reveal made me roll my eyes like his mother. Why the back? Why a phoenix? Why so LARGE? He had previously said it was fake back in 2016, telling Mario Lopez: "It’s fake, for a movie." But it's real, friends. It's so very, very real.
Naturally, we wanted answers, but even longtime pal Matt Damon couldn't give them to us.
"It's not one man's job to tell another man what he can do to his back," he told Trevor Noah on The Daily Show last week. "I support him in all of his artistic expression." I don't!
The New Yorker took it a step further, taking this recent snap of Affleck displaying his tattoo on the beach and comparing it to similarly depressing photos of the actor that have surfaced over the past few years.
"Affleck’s was the kind of middle-aged-white-male sadness that the Internet loves to mock—a mocking that depends, simultaneously, on a complete rejection of this sadness, as well as a hedging identification with it," wrote Naomi Fry. "These depressed-Affleck images can arouse both amusement and a sense of poignancy, a touch of Schadenfreude as well as something like sympathy."
This appears to be where Affleck draws the line. He stayed silent throughout the internet's mockery of what is clearly a midlife crisis tattoo, but now he wants the world to know that he is fine.
"I’m doing just fine," he assured the publication. "Thick skin bolstered by garish tattoos."
At least he admits it. Anyways, here's a thread of famous movie beach scenes with sad Ben Affleck photoshopped in:
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