Tyra Banks & Her Mom Talk Nose Jobs, Fertility, & Life-Size 2

Photo: Mireya Acierto/WireImage..
Working in entertainment, fashion, and even dabbling in music with her mother by her side means that Tyra Banks has some stories to tell. The supermodel, entrepreneur, new mom, and the one person we can count on to be passionately rooting for us recently stopped by Refinery29 with her mom, Carolyn London, to share some of those tales. The two women just co-wrote a book, Perfect Is Boring: 10 Things My Crazy, Fierce Mama Taught Me About Beauty, Booty, and Being a Boss, and they are sharing the wisdom that have helped them grow together as mother and daughter, but also as women. You can purchase the book now and check out their full interview with R29er Arianna Davis, below. Here are some of the highlights of their conversation.
The real reason Tyra got plastic surgery
It is not a secret that Banks, who started her modeling career at the age 16, got a nose job. However, it wasn’t a purely cosmetic procedure. According to London, when her daughter was only 3 years old, she fell flat on her face in their family driveway. Despite some bleeding and objections from Tyra’s aunt, London assumed that her toddler was just fine. Years later, Tyra experienced skin irritation and slight disfigurations from the misalignment of the bones in her nose. As her career took off, Tyra finally decided to do something about it. I was also touched that Tyra specifically rejected getting a procedure that would tone down her Black features and make her nose look too European. So she specifically sought out a plastic surgeon who specializes in ethnic noses. Here’s what she thinks about beauty enhancers today. “We need to stop judging women,” Tyra demanded. “If you want to wear your hair natural and add some fake hair to make it bigger, that’s okay. I want people to understand that they can fix or flaunt it. Fix something they don’t like or flaunt something natural.”
Dealing with fertility issues
Like many career women, Tyra put off having kids to focus on her career. She joked with us that every year she would commit to having kids "in 3 years." When she was finally ready to move forward on her journey to become a mom, she “hit a wall,” London explained while getting emotional. Tyra went through IVF for years, but couldn’t muster up the strength to give herself the shots. It was London who helped her do it for the first time. Tyra welcomed her son via surrogate in 2016.
Why the Life-Size sequel is over a decade late
Fans of the original film Life-Size — where Tyra plays Barbie-esque doll who comes to life with the help of a young Lindsay Lohan — are already rejoicing that the sequel is set to be released later this year. Tyra is executive producing the film, but she is the reason the project didn’t come to be when Disney approached her 15 years ago. Apparently, Tyra turned the role down because she didn’t think it was enough of a challenge for her budding acting career. She told her mom, “I don’t want to do a Disney children’s movie. I want to be a serious actress, I want to play a crack addict, a prostitute.” Those roles never quite aligned with Tyra’s brand, and now she’ll be a human doll once more.
The origin of the ‘smize’
Tyra Banks may be a master of ‘smize’ (smiling with your eyes instead of your mouth), but she learned it from her mama. Before she was her daughter’s momager, London was a medical photographer who did women’s glamour shots as a side hustle. It was she who taught Tyra how to serve serious face when the cameras start flashing.
Can you say goals?

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