Here's Where You Can Get Meghan Markle's Favorite Wine

We may not actually be able to toast with Meghan Markle and Prince Harry at their upcoming wedding, but that won't stop us from celebrating and drinking like royals while we watch from the comfort of our couches. And what better wine to curl up with on the royal wedding day than Markle's favorite red, Tignanello, aka "the tig?"
Sure, Tignanello — actually pronounced “teen-ya-nello” with a silent "g" — isn't Trader Joe's cheap, but if you're looking to splurge for a royal wedding viewing party, Markle’s wine pick is pretty easy to find according to Delish. It’s available for purchase online for as little as $89 or as much $98.
If you're racking your brain trying to figure out where you've heard that nickname before, it was also the name of Markle's now-defunct lifestyle site, The Tig, a "hub for the discerning palate — those with a hunger for food, travel, fashion, and beauty." A trip to a bar one day resulted in the former Suits star taking a swig of the wine, and according to The Tig's about page, she had a life-changing "ah-ha" moment.
"So there I am, with very minimal wine knowledge and I take a sip of this wine,” Markle wrote.“It wasn’t just red or white — suddenly I understood what people meant by the body, legs, structure of wine. It was an ah-ha moment at its finest. For me, it became a ‘Tig’ moment — a moment of getting it. From that point on, any new awareness, any new discovery or ‘ohhhhh, I get it!’ moment was a ‘Tig’ moment."
Since then, Markle's life has been full of new and exciting moments, including finding the love of her life. So one might be wondering if a sip of this wine will result in their own royal transformation and good fortune. Probably not, but regardless it will surely pair well with any appetizers served at a royal wedding celebration, or just taste good after a long day at work. Because of its availability, right there at the click of your fingertips, you might feel like you got a special insider deal.
And let’s face it: you can never have too many wine recommendations. Especially one that's soon to be royal family-approved.

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