Watch Tina Fey Make A Lot Of Young Women Cry

Photo: Andrew Lipovsky/NBC.
If you ever meet Tina Fey, you probably would expect more laughter than tears. However, the writer, actor, and all-around queen of comedy encountered tears and more when she surprised mega-fans at Mean Girls: The Musical. Fey returned to write the book for the musical, which was based on her hit movie of the same name, and did something special for its NYC Broadway debut. With help from The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, Fey hid in the theater as unsuspecting fans who came for the show were pulled aside to talk about how much Fey means to them. Little did they know she was listening the whole time. At the end of each dedication, Fey pops out to thank fans for their kind words, and a whole lot of emotion ensues.
"We are comedy partners and best friends. Everything we've done has been guided by everything you've done," one of the first fans gushes, going on to thank Fey for proving that they could also land James Marsden as a love interest like her character in 30 Rock. Before they can finish, however, out pops Fey.
"Yes! I have made it possible that someday you will make out with James Marsden," she jokes as the women squeal with delight. As the stunt goes on, things quickly take a turn for the emotional.
"I cannot tell you how much it meant for this quirky, weird girl in high school to look up to you," one fan says through tears.
"I was doing it all for selfish reasons, but then I ended up helping you!" Fey replies, going in for the hug.
However, there's one last surprise in store. As the video end and the camera cuts back to studio, Fallon stands up to deliver a tearful ode of his own.
"If you’re lucky, throughout your life you get to meet and spend time with a few people who really change you for the better. I got lucky; for me you were one of those people. I met you when I was 23 — I believe you were 45," he jokes. "And I was lucky enough to work with you, and grow with you, and learn from you. A lot of people in this world have dreams or goals or ideas but not everybody goes out and fights to make them happen. But you’re someone who did...And most importantly, even now, you’re making other people feel like they can do the same thing and change the world. Today, I’m 27 years old and I have two daughters...And my hope for them is that they’ll grow up to be leaders like you. And that they’ll be as fearless and confident in their strengths as you are. I love you."
And now we're all crying.
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