Read This If You Want Even More Money Diaries

Over the past six months, I've talked to a lot of women about money. We've talked about debt and dating, the struggle to pay for fertility treatments, and the stress of spending 40% of their paychecks on rent. We've talked about the thrill of saving for the future and the satisfaction of building your emergency fund. Women love to talk about money. And I'm really excited to share these stories with you when Money Diaries: Everything You've Ever Wanted To Know About Your Finances...And Everyone Else's is published this fall!
You can pre-order the book on our fancy new book site now!
This book is about so much more than tracking your expenses. It gives readers an inside look into the financial lives of millennial women. And interwoven among all-new Money Diaries is financial advice on everything from paying off your student loans to asking for a raise to getting a mortgage. I tapped an all-star team of female financial advisers for this book, including Priya Malani, Sallie Krawcheck, and Shannon McLay.
When I started the Work & Money section at Refinery29, I wanted to change the conversation around women and money. I had a lot of questions about managing my finances, but I hated that all the advice out there was either overly simple (or, as a former colleague used to say, "too pink") or filled with complicated jargon. I was tired of hearing financial advisers comparing budgets to beach bodies (yuck) or warning me that my morning latte was going to cause my financial ruin (really?). I knew there had to be a better way to learn and talk about this once-super-taboo topic.
In the three years since I launched the section (and the two years since we debuted Money Diaries), we've really seen a shift in the narrative, and it's thrilling. This change wouldn't have happened without the help and feedback from our amazing readers who always keep us on our toes – and the hundreds of diarists (OPs!) who were willing to share their daily spending habits so we can all learn from them. Thank you!
Some might write off Money Diaries as just another viral hit, but it's so much more than that. We’re starting a kind of revolution at Refinery29, in which women are talking to each other about their financial secrets. Slowly but surely, we're dismantling the archaic notion that it’s in bad taste to talk about money, let alone to admit you like it. And we're providing one another with financial education we all need to succeed. This book will take this revolution offline so you can continue the conversation IRL.
(Did I mention that you can preorder the book now?)

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