New Study Shows Millennials Aren’t Drinking In Bars & Everyone Has An Opinion On It

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The internet is divided over its opinions on something millennials are doing, because what else is new? This time it’s about millennial drinking habits. A new study conducted by Mintel revealed that 28% of young millennials, ages 24-31, prefer to drink at home because they believe “it is too much effort to go out.” Now, what they mean by “effort” remains vague, but that didn’t stop people from having strong opinions about it.
While some people equate this trend to be a result of young adults being more frugal, or perhaps not having it in their budget to go out often, others believe they choose to drink at home out of laziness, referring to current young adults as the “stay-at-home generation.”
While there are surely some people who do prefer sweatpants and face masks with their wine rather than heels and long lines, that could be said of any age group. Those who are pro-drinking at home jumped in with their own thoughts on the matter. One consistent theme was that drinking out, especially in larger cities, is expensive and comes with hidden costs other than the drinks themselves, such as parking or using a ride share service. If you replace the word “effort” with “money,” that might paint a more accurate picture.
There is definitely an appeal to inviting friends over rather than meeting up somewhere. Drinking at home is cheaper, you can make fun cocktails, you don’t have to wait in lines, you don’t have to strain to hear your friends speaking over loud music and background noise, not to mention the bathrooms are probably cleaner, and there’s wifi. Perhaps my young millennial is showing in that last sentence…
Reasons for preferring to drink at home vary, though some of the most common answers were it being perceived as more relaxing (74%), less expensive (69%), and more personal (35%). Additionally, roughly 38% of in-home drinkers are choosing to drink at home in order to better control their alcohol intake. This sounds more like a responsible move than one borne out of laziness. We’d rather pick up a pack of canned rosé to share with friends.
It should be noted that previous generations holds the same opinion, just at a lower rate of 15%. Overall, the report states that 55% of American consumers prefer to drink at home, so millennials’ going out habits are still above the national average.
The concept of drinking at home rather than out at a bar or club is increasing across all groups, according to the study; millennials are just the most likely to agree. Perhaps we’re onto something.

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