"Ask Me A Question" Is Not The Only Way To Use Instagram's Questions Sticker

Instagram's Questions Sticker has only existed for 48 hours, but it's already been branded a mute-able offense.
The outcry is different from the you can see how I voted?! alarm that followed the release of the Poll Sticker. This time, it's centered on the default statement that appears when you add the sticker to a post or video: "Ask me a question." Users have called it narcissistic, claimed it makes Stories obnoxiously long and powerpoint-like, and even threatened to delete the app if the Q&A sessions continue. It seems that while followers are fine with watching your life and liking selfies (arguably, an equally narcissistic behavior), "Ask me a question" takes the egotistical conduct a step too far.
What seems to be missing, though, is the basic understanding that you don't need to say "Ask me a question." That just happens to be the default for the new Questions Sticker function. The person posting the question sticker can type anything — you can call for book suggestions, or ask for thoughts on whether the new Incredibles is worth seeing in theaters, or write total nonsense if you want. "Ask me a question" is just a placeholder for other questions or statements that are hopefully more creative and less self-centered, not must-use text. (It only seems that way because users aren't changing the statement.)
Here's how to fix that: When you add the sticker (if you don't see it in your stickers tray, update Instagram), tap "Ask me a question" and start typing your text of choice.
Keep in mind, this isn't to say the words friends write on their own will be any less annoying — "Ask me a question" is just the tip of the "let's talk about me!" iceberg — but the Questions Sticker can be used in many more interesting ways. For example, if you're not on Facebook anymore you could put out a request for restaurant recommendations in Venice on Instagram. Or, find out where all your followers are traveling on vacation this summer.
Social media is full of me, me, me. But the Questions Sticker, despite the apparent evil of its default request, doesn't have to be so vain.

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