The Year's Most Carefree Full Moon Is Coming This Friday

produced by Julie Borowsky; produced by Lorenna Gomez-Sanchez; photographed by Megan Madden.
In case you caught wind of those blood moon doomsday rumors, relax: The full moon this Friday, July 27, will not bring the world to an end. But that doesn't mean this lunar phase will be completely uneventful. In fact, it may be the one totally positive thing coming down the astrological pike right now.
Within nature-based faiths, this month's full moon is known as the Blessing Moon (most likely for the bountiful crops, plants, and flowers that early Pagans and Wiccans enjoyed around this time of year). It's associated with those contented days of high summer when we actually have time to kick back and be grateful for what we have. And even if you can't spare a whole day to relax (who can, anymore?), spending even a little time reflecting on all the good things in your life is a simple way to honor this phase of the moon.
This year, July's Blessing Moon will take place in Aquarius, a brainy air sign known for its humanitarian instincts. The Astrotwins write that Aquarian full moons are useful for reconnecting with your inner weirdo self and celebrating what makes you different from everyone else. They add that you may feel compelled to act on the grand, if not somewhat idealistic, plans that have been incubating in your brain — especially those that will affect major institutional changes. In short, full moons in the sign of the Water Bearer aim to bring out the mad scientist, the radical revolutionary, in all of us.
When combined, the energy of the Blessing Moon and that of Aquarius can lend us a healthy dose of perspective. With our attention turned toward gratitude and the greater good, we may realize what we can do to show thanks to those who have helped us and then return the favor. Maybe a coworker just stuck up for you in a meeting — why not grab an extra coffee for them on your way into the office? Or, perhaps your roommate's been handling the bulk of the chores recently — the next time you see them going to do the dishes, try beating them to the sink.
As the July full moon asks us to acknowledge the good, it also nudges us to do good. So, even if you're ducking for cover ahead of the lunar eclipse and tomorrow's Mercury retrograde, take comfort knowing that the heavens, at least in part, want you to look on the bright side and add more light to the world in the process.

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