Rihanna Shared Advice For Her Younger Self & Honestly, We Could All Use It

Photo: Angela Weiss/AFP/Getty Images.
If you could go back into time, what would you say to your younger self? After quickly telling ourselves to “wear sunscreen!” and “pee after sex!” we’d probably say something like Rihanna did. The singer recently shared some words of advice to her younger self — and budding pop stars following in her path.
Spoiler alert: it involves sleep, because being an adult definitely involves not getting enough of it. “You're not gonna get to [sleep] in your 20s or your 30s, the way my 30s are starting out,” Rihanna told E! News at the 2018 Diamond Ball. We heartily agree — and we’re not nearly as busy as Rihanna, who makes music, stars in movies, helms a cosmetics empire, designs a lingerie line, and is a doting aunt. Rihanna works, but she enjoys staying active. “It's been hectic but I love it. I love to do stuff. I get bored otherwise, so I like to keep myself busy.”
Still, Rihanna makes a really good point: we could all get some more sleep — but we gotta work. We may not have her party stamina (remember the #RihannaPlane debacle?), but just being alive is exhausting. The trick, like Rihanna says, is to become at peace with the chaos, and embrace your jam-packed schedule. Stay busy, and world domination will follow. Rihanna certainly has found success in several fields, but that came through years of keeping her nose to the grindstone. Great advice for our younger selves — if you want Rihanna’s resume, you need to work like Rihanna. But don’t forget to take a nap every now and then!

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