Kristin Davis Didn't Miss A Moment To Reignite The SATC Feud

Photo: New Line/Kobal/REX/Shutterstock.
It's been a little while since we've had to think about the drama plaguing the former cast of Sex and the City. Of course, it's not that we forgot it was there; it's just that life got busy. Cynthia Nixon ran for New York Governor, Sarah Jessica Parker just starred in a new film, and Kim Cattrall is working on a new film project in the UK. But after months of relative calm, Kristin Davis reignited the great SATC feud, and all it took was one Instagram post.
On the surface, the picture in question — a lovely throwback photo of the SATC cast at an Emmys afterparty in 2004 — seemed harmless. But upon further examination, it's easy to understand why people freaked out: Cattrall is noticeably absent from photo.
Does this mean that Davis cut Cattrall out? Unlikely, as she reposted from a fan account, and there doesn't seem to be any Photoshopped modifications. Was the posting malicious? Now, that's less clear.
On one hand, you could argue that Davis just really enjoyed the sweet memory from 14 years ago. On the other, you could, reasonably, say that the 'gram was a deliberate move by Davis to further assert her loyalties to SJP. We already know how badly she wanted that third SATC movie, and that she'd probably have it if it weren't for Cattrall's refusal to jump on board. It's not unlikely that she might still hold a bit of a grudge about the missed opportunity to cash in big time.
Was it the right move? Fans are mixed. Some have called the post "tasteless and cruel" and asserted that the women are "real life mean girls," while others strongly defended Davis' right to post whatever she wants on her personal account. Though many fans seemed divided into teams (#TeamSJP and #TeamKim), there were a few scattered throughout who just wanted to remember the series for the good times.
"I love Kim buy [sic] honestly if she doesn't want any more part of SATC, what are the rest of them supposed to do? Not post or talk about the show or awards etc?" one fan wrote in the comment section. "That's not fair to the other 3 who do still care. Love all 4 of the ladies!"
If only life could truly be that simple.

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