This Is What Colton Underwood Wants To Do In The Fantasy Suite Instead Of Sex

Photo: Courtesy of ABC.
There's been a level of interest in Colton Underwood's virginity that I haven't seen since I was in my high school cafeteria. Ever since he was announced as the next Bachelor, the questions have only gotten more persistent. Will he stay a virgin? Is it important his wife is a virgin? But perhaps the only one worth asking was asked by Ellen DeGeneres when the Bachelor-to-be stopped by her show on Wednesday.
As the Bachelor, Underwood will ultimately invite some women into the Fantasy Suites. It's an unspoken assumption that the couples who stay the night together in the Fantasy Suites will have sex for the first time. As a virgin, how does Underwood plan to handle that night?
"I'm looking forward to the fantasy suites," he told the host. "You can do more in the fantasy suites than just have sex. I mean, we can play board games. We can hang out. The little things. Finding out the little things about them is some of the most interesting things. Because you guys get to see the big storylines on TV. I'm looking forward to, like, 'What's your favorite snack? What kind of dog do you like?' Just the little everyday things that you guys really don't care about."
Note to contestants: Make sure to pack Bananagrams.
Of course, sex is just a small (and optional) part of The Bachelor franchise. It's first and foremost about the emotional connections, which Underwood seems much more excited to make. Watch the full interview below:

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