Your Friendly Neighbourhood Gynaecologist would not recommend a vaginal cleanse that includes scraping of the walls (even to rid traces of an ex) ??♀️ Maybe the press can stop this celebrity vagina woo fixation? @DrJenGunter @CaulfieldTim
— Dr. Fiona Mattatall (@FionaMattatall) December 9, 2018
Women, should never, ever have their vagina scraped
Please do not scrape the walls of your vagina for any reason.
— RizMFMMD (@rizwanafl) December 10, 2018
This sounds too much like going back to the (not so distant) time when women who weren't virgins or who had had more than one sexual partner were considered spoiled, dirty, impure. I ache with anger.
— hmm. (@raispartisto) December 9, 2018
Yikes, vagina scraping? Is he getting his penis scraped, too?
— Joan Price (@JoanPrice) December 9, 2018