Kris Jenner Is In Full Mom Mode In "Thank U, Next" Bloopers

Photo: Nicholas Hunt/Getty Images.
"Thank U, Next" is the gift that keeps on giving and giving. First came the song, then came the video, then came the behind-the-scenes, and then came these bloopers that feature Kris Jenner in full mom mode. The Kardashian matriarch made a surprise cameo in the most talked-about music video in 2018, playing the part of Amy Poehler's Mean Girls mom perfectly — these bloopers prove she had so much more to give.
In the original video, Jenner pays homage to the role by holding a video camera and dancing in the aisle during Grande and pals' "Jingle Bells" performance. She throws in a final "thank you, next, bitch" at the end of the video, too. All very good Kris Jenner content! The bloopers show that Jenner had even more up her sleeve.
In one clip, Jenner is instructed to turn to the person next to her in the audience and gush about Grande, but she picks the wrong side. In another, we see the raw footage of Jenner dancing in the crowd, including the faces she makes into her video camera.
"When I was raising Ariana, I always told her that if a guy ever fucks with her she should just say, 'Thank you, next,'" Jenner later whispers to the woman next to her. "And if she ever had sex without a condom she would get chlamydia and die."
The bloopers also include a deleted scene from the video, which recreates the moment when Paulette (Jennifer Coolidge) confronts her ex and takes back her dog in Legally Blonde. In fact, it's a scene Grande herself did an impression of on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon in May 2018.
The rest of the video is just more of inevitable funny moments that told went down between Grande and her friends while putting together this early 2000s movies tribute. This includes all the times Grande slipped, laughed, and forgot her lines. If you thought you were done with "Thank U, Next," you thought wrong! There's always more to give. Watch the full bloopers, below!

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