Everything You Need To Know About The Avocado Recall

Photographed by Nicole Maroon.
Check your fridge (or your non-Check your fridge (or your non-refrigerated produce basket) produce basket) because we have an avocado recall on our hands.
If you live in Arizona, California, Florida, North Carolina, New Hampshire or Wisconsin, your grocery store avocados might be part of this latest recall.
The Henry Avocado Corporation is voluntarily recalling it's California-grown whole avocados after samples taken during a routine government inspection tested positive for listeria monocytogenes, the bacteria responsible for listeriosis.
While Henry Avocado is calling all affected retailers to make sure it's affected products are off the shelves, here's how to identify an affected avocado: All of Henry Avocado's non-organic avocados have "Bravocado" stickers. Organic avocados do not have the "Bravocado" sticker and are instead labeled as "organic" and from "California." When in doubt, ask your cashier to scan the product code to determine if it was impacted.
Listeriosis can be especially dangerous for children, elderly people, pregnant women, and people with weakened immune systems, according to the FDA. In healthy individuals, symptoms include high fevers, severe headaches, stiffness, nausea, diarrhea, and abdominal pain.
If you find or suspect that your avocados are part of the recall, throw them away or take them to where you originally bought them in exchange for a full refund.

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