Billy Eichner Tells Us Everything He Can About Beyoncé's Lion King Role

Photo: Raven Varona/Parkwood/PictureGroup/Shutterstock.
When Disney revealed that Beyoncé — yes, the Beyoncé — would voice lion queen Nala in the remake of beloved classic The Lion King, fans collectively lost their minds. Unfortunately, exactly how Bey will portray the lioness is left up to our imagination: So far, none of the teasers for The Lion King feature the Lemonade mogul.
Not to worry, says Billy Eichner, who portrays Timon in the summer movie. In an interview with Ira Madison III on the Keep It podcast, the American Horror Story actor clarified that Beyoncé is very much hanging out on Pride Rock.
"She’s definitely in the movie because I’ve seen a rough cut," Eichner assured Madison. "And I’ve heard her sing ‘Can You Feel the Love Tonight?’ with Donald Glover and I’m telling you, it’s fucking good."
Want more deets? No can do, because Eichner doesn't want to hear an earful from The Mouse.
"I don’t want to give too much away about that, they’re very, they do not want us talking about it," he admitted.
Eichner may not be able to reveal any major spoilers, but he did tell Madison that the Bey's part in the movie will make you feel all the feels. Which makes sense, because I still can't watch this clip from the OG Lion King without tearing up.
"I will just say that honestly, it made me cry and I was not expecting that," Eichner said.
Check out the interview below:
The Lion King hits theaters July 19, 2019.

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