In the eighth episode of Real Housewives of Beverly Hills season 9, appropriately titled "Showdown at Villa Rosa," Kyle Richards and Lisa Vanderpump finally had their huge fight that ended with Kyle getting kicked out of LVP’s house. It was also the last time Vanderpump and her former BFF spoke (at least as of February), as Kyle confirmed on Watch What Happens Live.
But, was this the last time LVP interacted with any of the Housewives? Events seemed to be heading that way, but there is one wildcard remaining: the newest Housewife. Where do Denise Richards and Lisa Vanderpump stand now?
In the preview for episode 9, Denise says of Lisa, “I don’t want to get on her fucking bad side. She’s plays fucking dirty.” This sounds like Denise is willing to at least see Lisa, but maybe not form a super close relationship with her. I mean, would you really want to build a close relationship with someone who you say “plays fucking dirty”?
At the premiere party for this season back in February, E! spoke to the Housewives and got an update on where they each stand with Lisa. Pretty much everyone made it clear that they’re not fans of hers right now, but Denise was more diplomatic.
“I only met her once [before the show] and that was at Lisa Rinna’s a long time ago,” Denise said. “I had gotten to know her in this group situation. She has a wonderful compassionate side. She does a lot for animals. And, you know, she has a lovely side to her.”
“She has a lovely side to her.” Well, you can’t get much more enthusiastic than that!
Okay, Denise could get a little more enthusiastic. She shared a bit more about LVP with Bravo Pregame, and said, “My personal experience with Lisa Vanderpump, she was so lovely. She’s very compassionate, and we have a lot in common, too. And I wish that I got to do more with her on the show.” While this is far more positive than how the other women feel about Lisa, it’s still more “I wish things had turned out differently” than “I am Lisa Vanderpump’s number one supporter forever and always.”
For her part, Lisa hasn’t really commented on Denise. She did talk about the new Housewife during an appearance on Watch What Happens Live, but it was in reference to Denise hanging out with former housewife Brandi Glanville, who LVP famously does not get along with. “Oh, I’m okay with that,” she told Andy Cohen. “That’s up to them. Everybody finds their own friendships.” This makes it sound like she’s at least okay with Denise, because if they also didn’t get along, she would probably have said something much sassier.
Basically, it sounds like Denise and LVP are fine, but not really friends. Being a new cast member who didn’t really have time to form much of a relationship with Lisa, it makes sense if Denise doesn’t harbor anger toward her the way the other Housewives, who have known Lisa for years and years, do. As for where they’ll stand on the show next season, first we have to see if Denise and LVP even agree to come back.