Game Of Thrones Fans Won't Let Cleganebowl Go & They Have Good Reason To Keep The Faith

Photo: courtesy of HBO.
If you looked up the definition of sibling rivalry in the dictionary it would show Sandor and Gregor Clegane from Game of Thrones. More commonly known as The Hound and The Mountain respectively, these two have no love lost between them. And if you've ever heard the term "Cleganebowl" (or seen in a tweet, let's be real), it's because these brothers haven't stopped stoking their rivalry — even after one of them died (more on that later).
This is why fans have been hoping for seasons that Game of Thrones would have a Cleganebowl — aka a massive showdown battle between Sandor and Gregor Clegane. And, in Season 8, it's looking like this long-awaited fight could finally be happening. Here's what you need to know about this heavyweight matchup for the centuries.
Tensions Have Been Brewing Since The Cleganes Were Children
The Mountain infamously set his little brother on fire over a squabble about a toy when they were children. The Hound has been deathly afraid of flames ever since.
Season 7 Marked A Reunion For The Brothers — And Not A Friendly One
In Season 2, The Hound left King's Landing and went on his own journey. But, in Season 7, he returned to King's Landing, now as part of Jon Snow's army. There, he ran into his brother who'd had quite a journey of his own.
In Season 4, The Mountain was mortally poisoned in a battle, but he was later re-animated as a mutilated zombified version of himself in Season 5. The Hound remarked on the change his brother underwent when the two reunited in Season 7.
"You’re even f***ing uglier than I am now," The Hound spat. "What did they do to you? It doesn’t matter. That’s not how it ends for you, brother. You know who’s coming for you. You’ve always known."
That Line Has Fans Thinking Cleganebowl Is Happening Soon
The Hound told The Mountain that his brother's end is still coming, and it's coming via The Hound. Sounds like the makings of a battle to me. Fans love the epic, sprawling GoT fights, and they have been thirsting for this one since the idea first came to be in 2013 on 4Chan of all places, according to Inverse.
Theories Abound As To Why Cleganebowl Will Happen
According to Inverse, some people think the valonqar prophecy (aka that Cersei Lannister will be killed by a "little brother") is to be fulfilled by The Hound, who is The Mountain's little brother. The Mountain is Cersei's bodyguard, perhaps they both die in The Hound's impending attack.
Meanwhile, Salon predicted that the battle between Cersei's forces and Jon Snow/Daenerys' forces will be settled with a single battle between The Mountain and The Hound. One fight to rule them all would ensure that Cersei has a fair shot (since Dany's dragons can't participate) and that no more people would be killed in the war, which has always been a concern of Jon Snow's. Cleganebowl could determine the entire outcome of the war — and we all know The Hound is gonna win.
Season 8 Sure Seems Like It Will Actually Deliver A Cleganebowl
Fans were set for Cleganebowl in Season 7 when The Hound and The Mountain reunited, but it wasn't meant to be. Still, the showdown may be happening in Season 8, thanks to a hint from Hafthór Björnsson who plays The Mountain. According to CinemaBlend, the actor did an Instagram Q&A where he revealed that his favorite scene is still to come. "It happens in season 8... so I can't speak about it," he said. While he technically could have been speaking about any number of scenes, even ones that he's not in, it would make the most sense for him to be talking about one of his own scenes. And for it to be his favorite, it has to be pretty epic.
Maybe even... Cleganebowl-level epic?

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