Sophie Turner & Maisie Williams Want To Team Up For A Movie About Their Friendship

Credit: Dave Benett/Getty Images/Sky Atlantic UK
Game of Thrones co-stars and IRL BFFs Sophie Turner and Maisie Williams want to bring their on-screen relationship turned real-life friendship to the big screen.
Turner had dinner with her Dark Phoenix costar Jessica Chastain for a Vogue Paris video where she revealed that she would like to expand her career to producing and directing one day.
“As an actor, you can only have so much creative control,” she said. “I want to be able to have full creative control and create my own vision and that’s something I’m quite passionate about.”
Her first script might be based on a true story. Turner revealed she wants to tell the story of her friendship with Williams.
“My best friend Maisie, who is on Game of Thrones with me, she plays Arya, she and I have a very intense friendship, a friendship that I haven’t had with any of my other girlfriends before,” Turner said. “We felt like we wanted to write a movie about a friendship where it’s kind of like you’re soulmates, but you’re friends and it’s like this beautiful connection but it can also be quite destructive.”
Williams and Turner grew up together on Game of Thrones, which first aired when they were only 14 and 15 years old, respectively, and they started filming even before that. Their friendship has grown so close that Williams will be one of Turner’s maids of honors at her actual wedding to Joe Jonas, but their connection is sometimes strong to a fault.
During an episode of Dr. Phil’s podcast Phil in the Blanks earlier this year, Turner talked about her struggles with depression and how Williams’ friendship at that time acted as a crutch.
“Maisie and I used to do it together,” she said, referring to staying inside and being reclusive when they weren’t shooting GOT. “I think being friends with each other was quite destructive because we were going through the same thing, so we used to get home from set go to a Tesco across the road, like a little supermarket, and just buy food and go back to our room and just eat it in bed. We never socialized for a couple of years. We didn't socialize with anyone but ourselves.”
It’s this complex friendship the duo hope to make into a movie. Turner told Chastain she hasn’t started to write it yet but is making steps in the right direction.
“I bought a screenplay writing book!” she said. “To teach myself. Because I can’t write well, but I want to. But I’m just not talented enough.”
While Turner works on getting her directing career started, her acting one continues to flourish. In addition to the recent premiere of Dark Phoenix, according to IMDb she has two movies, Broken Soldier and Heavy, on the horizon.

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