Why Veronica Mars Season 4 Doesn't Have A Dash Of Piz

Photo: Warner Bros Digital/Spondoolie Prods/Rob Thomas Prods/Kobal/Shutterstock.
Warning: Spoilers for the new Veronica Mars are ahead.
Season 4 of Hulu’s Veronica Mars is oftentimes overflowing with references and callbacks to the original series, the movie, and also the books that all came before this revival.
However, if you’re hoping for any sort of mention of the great debate between Team Logan and Team Piz, you’re out of luck as the latter boyfriend of Veronica doesn’t pop up anywhere in the series, even though he is namechecked once during the eight-episode series. Piz is nowhere to be found in Neptune, and honestly, that might be a good thing (for his own safety).
Stosh "Piz" Piznarski (Chris Lowell) was introduced in season 3 as Veronica’s (Kristen Bell) boyfriend after Logan (Jason Dohring) in college. We first meet him as simply Wallace’s (Percy Daggs III) roommate, but it’s clear that Piz has a thing for Veronica that slowly materializes over the season. When the series ended its initial run Veronica and Piz were still together, and when the movie picked up in 2014 they’re still in a relationship. However, after Veronica spends a little too much time trying to solve a new crime in her hometown, Piz realizes that the two of them are over and they breakup. Goodbye, Piz, apparently.
Let’s be honest with ourselves, Team Piz never held a candle to Team Logan, those are just the facts.
However, that doesn’t mean that Piz couldn’t make an appearance in season 4. There’s one moment where Veronica’s former flame does get name-checked, by none other than Logan. After Leo (Max Greenfield), another former boyfriend-ish of Veronica (they were super, super casual) shows up with a pizza looking for help, he and Logan spend some time hanging out. When Veronica shows up and finds Leo and Logan together, Logan makes a joke that “Piz is in the back.” He, sadly, is not.
In all fairness to the show, it wouldn’t have made sense for Piz to show up since there’s no reason for him to back in town (remember, he works as a producer on This American Life in New York), let alone Veronica’s life. Our PI heroine has moved on and is on a serious relationship with Logan, and last we heard from Piz he was very invested in his life on the East Coast.
Lowell hasn’t commented on Piz’s absence, and it’s not like he needs to. The actor is currently starring in Netflix’s GLOW as Bash Howard, so he’s doing pretty well for himself away from Neptune. Considering how season 4 of Veronica Mars ends he could potentially show up in another season if there is one, but in many ways, that 'ship has sailed.

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