Are Hannah & Jed Together After The Bachelorette?

Photo: Courtesy of ABC.
Warning: Major Bachelorette spoilers are ahead.
After months of speculation and rumors, it's confirmed: Hannah picked Jed during her Bachelorette finale and said "yes" to his Neil Lane engagement ring proposal. But, as we all know, their story doesn't end there. The Bachelorette finale was filmed back in the beginning of May, and a lot has gone down since then. You might be disappointed if you're hoping Hannah and Jed are still together after The Bachelorette.
Everything about Hannah and Jed's proposal seemed genuine. Hannah told Jed she'd prayed for this moment, and Jed sang Hannah a song about how he knew they were meant to be. Then he got down on one knee and said, "I have lived 25 years of my life without you, and I don’t want to go another day of my life without you being my wife. Hannah will you marry me?" She said yes, and they seemed meant to be. Except all during the live show, host Chris Harrison kept hinting that not all was as it seemed with Jed, and he may not be Hannah's happily ever after in the end.
In case you missed it, after Hannah's season began airing, reports came out that Jed had allegedly been dating someone all the way up until when he left for The Bachelorette. Haley Stevens, Jed's reported girlfriend, told Refinery29 that Jed told her he was only going on the show to promote his music, but that he would come back to Stevens when it ended. She didn't hear from him again.
"All of this started because I fell in love with a person who felt like [going on the show] was the best thing for their career, a career that I also pursue," Stevens told Refinery29. "So coming from that perspective, when someone that you love thinks it's the best move for their career, you support them."
Jed initially hadn't been able to respond to the claims (likely because the show was still airing), but he wrote on Instagram that he would respond soon. He added:
"Until then, I ask that you please understand how much the actions being taken towards myself, my family, the men on the show, and above all, Hannah, are affecting all of our mental and physical health. It goes beyond what is said online. Threatening letters and phone calls have been sent to our homes. My parents and sister are being verbally attacked in public. I beg you to remember what seems like a harmless action is damaging to real people. I want to thank all of you who have reached out or reserved judgement until I am able to speak openly and I can only ask for your patience and kindness until then."
Jed finally got his chance to speak on Tuesday's episode during a post-show recorded chat with Hannah and also at the live show with Chris Harrison. Jed explained that he hadn't considered Stevens to be his girlfriend at the time, as he was also seeing other women before leaving for the show. But he apologized for not being more honest with Hannah at the time. He said he feared that she would let him go from the show if he was honest, and he was falling in love with her so he didn't want that to happen.
Ultimately he took responsibility, apologized, and asked Hannah to find grace in her heart for him. He wanted to know what he could do to help things get back to where they had been when they first got engaged. But, for Hannah, it was too late. During that post-show chat, she took off her ring and left it with Jed. And, on the live show, she clarified the status of their relationship. "I am not with Jed anymore. The engagement's over; we're not together. That's not what I said yes to," she said.
When Hannah was initially weighing her decision between Tyler C. and Jed, she mentioned the trust she felt with Jed. "Jed is as honest with me as I am with him, which that’s what you want in a life partner." When Jed broke that trust, Hannah couldn't see a future with him anymore, and no one can fault her for that.

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