Hannah B. Confirmed Her Windmill Count…With Trader Joe's Cookies

Photo: Courtesy of ABC/John Fleenor.
The Bachelorette windmill is forever etched into the reality TV canon as the site of an iconic Fantasy Suite date and, importantly, the nail in the coffin of the tumultuous relationship of Hannah B. and Luke P.
But just when we thought we knew all there was to know about the windmill — particularly, that the windmill guy in question was, in fact, Peter Weber — the windmill proved itself yet again to be the gift that keeps on giving. In last night's episode, Hannah revealed, to the great excitement of the studio audience, that she and Peter did the deed four — not two — times in said windmill. The admission was followed by a sweet and coy couch embrace between Hannah and Peter. (This after Peter basically auditioned to be the next Bachelor.)
And then Hannah did my favorite thing she has ever done. We already know that you can rent the windmill on Airbnb. But apparently you can eat the windmill in cookie form — and Hannah did. Last night. Coincidence? We think not. Behold Hannah below, retrieving four (not two) cookies from a box of Trader Joe's Almond Windmill Cookies, corroborating the newly divulged windmill count she shared on the episode.
After a season chock-full of slut-shaming (masked as righteousness) at the hands of one Luke P., it is refreshing to have a lead who so fully embraces her sexuality and even jokes about it...with Trader Joe's cookies, no less. And who knows, maybe now Almond Windmill Cookies will usurp the Joe-Joe's throne amongst Bachelor Nation.

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