How To Process That Wild Living With Yourself Finale Twist

Photo: Courtesy of Netflix.
Warning: Spoilers are ahead for the Living With Yourself season 1 finale.
Kate & Miles & Miles are having a baby. That's the big surprise in the final moments of the Living With Yourself finale. The real kicker is, though, Kate (Aisling Bea) doesn't know whether Miles (Paul Rudd) or his clone, New Miles (also Paul Rudd) is the father. But technically, they share the same exact DNA, so does it really matter who the real dad is?
"I don’t think it really matters," creator Timothy Greenberg tells Refinery29 over the phone. "I have all kinds of friends who have kids where there’s a sperm donor or the father is a friend who’s not involved. But," he continued, "I do think what’s important is that moving forward, they share some shared familial bond."
In the final moments of the finale, both Mileses finally get what they have been searching for over the course of these eight episodes. OG Miles finally finds a real reason to change his ways and maybe get back some of the joy his bright and shiny doppelganger radiates. While New Miles gets the real love he's been craving since he was created in the Top Happy Spa. He finally gets to make new memories, to become, perhaps, his own person.
But after nearly killing one another in a knock out drag-out fight that ends with Miles nearly killing clone Miles after they destroy Kate's credenza, can the two men put their feelings of inadequacies aside and actually co-parent? Greenberg isn't sure, but he'd like to find out. "They’re now tied together into an unusual family unit and I think that’s a wonderful and beautiful and extremely complicated," he says. "So if the story continues, there’s some interesting stuff to be done with that."
Netflix has yet to pick Living With Yourself up for another season, but Greenberg is already thinking about what could happen to Miles and Miles if they do. Specifically, he'd like to delve a little deeper into the whole cloning process.
"I don’t feel like this show is taking cloning very seriously," Greenberg says. "It's not even vaguely close to showing how [the cloning process] works. That’s an interesting thing I need to think about in future seasons, like how do I handle that? Because we just kind of flew by it."

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