Marie Kondo Launched A New Online Store & We’re Not Fancy Enough For These Wares

Things I’d buy from Marie Kondo: trays, drawer organizers, nesting boxes, sensible cardigans, New York Times bestselling books. Around the time Netflix’s Tidying Up with Marie Kondo reintroduced the world to Marie Kondo, she was selling her collection of papered boxes, books, and other knick-knacks on her website. But today, Kondo expanded her lifestyle brand and turned it into a hub for all things Marie Kondo, called The Shop at KonMari. 
The shop launched with six categories: the obvious Tidying & Organizing and Decor & Living; as well as the not-so-obvious Tabletop & Entertaining, Aromatherapy, Cooking & Kitchen, and Bath Essentials. You can also expect new products to hit these virtual shelves every month. It’s a highly-curated, uber-stylish, and majorly chic collection of lifestyle items and homewares. Based on the price range, money is no object when you’ve already tidied up.
Some notable inclusions: this $50 tuning fork to help you reset. This $150 brass mirror looks like it will show you your reflection if you were in an entirely different tax bracket. Other items, like this computer brush or glass teapot, hold the promise of turning your daily tasks into exercises in mindfulness. Some items, like these Snowden Tins or Desktop Box, are perfect to keep the enthusiasm for organization through the new year.  
There’s no denying that the prices are steep, but the items are all so architectural and elegant that you can’t help but picture them as part of your expensive and glamourous 2020 life. Think of the price point as an incentive to walk the KonMari path and as a reminder that everything in your life should bring you joy. This is not the celebrity lifestyle brand to shop mindlessly. These items (and their prices) will hold you to task. These are the kind of home goodies that will make you tidy-up, deep-clean, and redecorate your entire home just to find them a worthy spot. They would also make for great gifts: Everyone knows that the secret to buying a gift for that person who has everything is to get them something so randomly indulgent that can’t possibly already own it.
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