If you came in search of a tiny red dragon voiced by Eddie Murphy, you won't find it in the new Mulan trailer. Disney's live action adaptation of their 1998 animated story about a daughter (played by Yifei Liu) who poses as a man to serve in her father's place in the Chinese military is a grown up, less sing-songy version of the tale. However, what it may lack in musical montages it makes up for in beautiful cinematography, and a brand new character.
This time around, the villain in this classic tale is a witch by the name of Xianniang, played by cinema icon Gong Li. She fights alongside the story's original villain, northern invader Böri Khan (Jason Scott Lee).
"When they find out who you are they will show you no mercy," she warns Mulan in the trailer.
But in other ways, this trailer is filled with nods to the original: Mulan's hair pin, battle stance, Commander Tung's promise to make men out of the soldiers are just some of the things you might recognize. You can even hear the melody of "Reflection" playing in the background — has anyone asked Christina Aguilera to come back and sing a new version? The DNA of the childhood classic is still there, now in complete and total HD.
Directed by Nikki Caro, the film also stars Yoson An as Cheng Honghui and Jet Li as the Emperor. Mulan premieres March 27, 2020.
Watch the trailer below.