Wait A Minute, Where Is Schitt’s Creek Actually Supposed To Be?

Photo: Courtesy of Pop TV.
The town in Schitt's Creek definitely inspired more "ew Davids" than vacation plans at the beginning of the series, but as the final season approaches fans may want to plan a pilgrimage. There's just one problem. The location of Schitt's Creek has never actually been clear, in the show or in real life. Let's demystify that, shall we?
After a modicum of dodging from the cast and insisting that Schitt's Creek didn't need to be defined by national borders, creator and star Dan Levy finally revealed to Buzzfeed News that Schitt's Creek is set in Canada. It is a Canadian television series after all, and films in Ontario. Levy explained to Buzzfeed that the vibe he was going for was one of isolation, and that the audience wouldn't feel how "trapped" the Rose family felt in Schitt's Creek if anything about the small rural town and its surrounding area was too recognizable.
But are all of the characters Canadian, or just the Schitt's Creek residents? There are some mentions of locations in the United States that the Rose family has lived in or visited, like New York City and Los Angeles, so it might be safe to say that they are an American family "forced" to reside in Canada. They might even be dual citizens for marriage or tax reasons. Rose Video, the company that made the family rich and famous, was known as North America's second most popular video store chain — which helps bolster the theory that the family was multinational to begin with.
As for the location of the Creek, if you do a little more digging, you can find the exact location of the Rosebud Motel in Hockley Valley, Ontario. (Fun fact: it was also used as an exterior location in an episode of The Umbrella Academy on Netflix.)
It's a private residence, not a working motel, but fans on reddit have visited without a problem. There appears to be a ski resort in the area, if you're into that. You can, however, visit a recreation of Rose Apothecary... a pop-up version of the store that has (sorry for this) popped up in Upstate New York.
As far as the show is concerned, I would imagine that the fictional Schitt's Creek is more than a day's drive from Toronto or any other major city in Ontario. Think about how long they have to commute just to get to Blouse Barn in the next town over!
But most importantly, no matter what country or province provides the setting, Schitt's Creek exists in our imaginations, our hearts, and our very souls.
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