Is The Bachelor’s Madison Prewett Running Her Own Fan Account On Instagram?

Photo: Courtesy of ABC.
Sometimes you have to be your own cheerleader, although current Bachelor contestant Madison Prewett says that isn't what's going down on her Insta. The Instagram account @BachSleuthers caught the 23-year-old commenting a gushing note on her own Instagram photo, prompting people to wonder if she meant to comment that from a different account, which would suggest she was running her own fan account. The comment, which read "Beautiful date Madi. You are so genuine and real" has now been deleted, but @BachSluthers saved it on their story and added some shady commentary.
"We, too, believe we are genuine and real," they wrote. "Happy to provide tutorials on toggling between your personal and fan accounts."
However, the truth may be a lot less juicy.
"Oops," her friend commented on the photo. "Thought I wrote that comment about being real & genuine from my account but was logged into Madi’s from when she got back from filming. Don’t hate me."
"hahahaha you’re good, it happens love youuuu," Madison replied, and that was that. Just kidding. Everyone is still super sus.
"wouldn’t that mean you haven’t logged into your own account since she finished filming...?" one user commented.
"damn, only a true friend would be willing to lie like this," another wrote. "you’re a real one for that."
Even though the season only just began, Madison somehow isn't the first contestant to have to defend herself on Instagram. Back in November, Victoria Fuller preemptively posted a statement about mysterious bullying, writing, "there will be a time & place where I can defend myself, but for now I choose to wait."
Whether it's Instagram comments or Instagram rumors, we haven't seen anything yet.
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