In Netflix’s Miss Americana, Taylor Swift opens up about her struggle with disordered eating and, through a montage, some of the hateful comments she has endured over the years about her body.
One of the sound-bites in the montage comes courtesy of comedian Nikki Glaser, who apologized for her body-shaming comments after hearing her voice in the doc, saying she felt “horrified.”
Glaser admitted she likely made the comments in the sound-bite out of jealousy.
“This quote should be used as an example of 'projection' in PSYCH101 textbooks,” Glaser wrote on Instagram before admitting she has struggled with disordered eating for the past 17 years. She continued, writing, “I really have no need to post this other than to apologize to someone who seriously means SO much to me.”
Glaser also offered a preview of her fandom for Swift in her latest set, which she says features the song “The Man,” the making of which is detailed in Miss Americana, in “multiple iterations.”
“I love you Tay, and I can’t wait to watch 99.97% of your new doc,” Glaser wrote in closing.
Refinery29 previously spoke TJ Mocci, MFT, a certified eating disorder specialist who manages the eating disorder program for Kaiser Permanente in Oakland, CA, who suggests that people struggling edit their media intake to "protect yourself and avoid triggers" — and unfollow or unfriend if necessary, instead of lashing out at others.
Many applauded Glaser for apologizing, including Swift herself, who commented.
“Wow. I appreciate this so much and one of the major themes about the doc is that we have the ability to change our opinions over time, to grow, to learn about ourselves,” Swift said. “I’m so sorry to hear that you’ve struggled with some of the same things I’ve struggled with. Sending a massive hug.”
If you are struggling with an eating disorder and are in need of support, please call the National Eating Disorders Association Helpline at 1-800-931-2237. For a 24-hour crisis line, text “NEDA” to 741741.
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