Jameela Jamil’s Boyfriend Comes To Her Defense Over “Disgusting Lies”

Photo: Neilson Barnard/Getty Images for The Recording Academy.
Jameela Jamil has been through it this week, and her boyfriend James Blake is weighing in. He initially held back from commenting on her controversial involvement in new voguing show Legendary and recent accusations of Munchausen syndrome per her request. Blake posted a classic notes app statement on Twitter on Friday, however, defending her from the "exploiting and gaslighting" he says is being hurled her way.
The internet chatter started last week when a writer's Instagram Story accusing Jamil of having Munchausen syndrome, which is when a person repeatedly and deliberately acts as if they have a physical or mental illness when they are not sick, went viral. The accusation made its way onto Twitter and eventually to Jamil, who returned to the app (after leaving due to the Legendary incident) to defend herself.
However, the rumors have raged on, and even reportedly gotten personal between the writer and the actress via DMs. Refinery29 reached out to Jamil for comment. On Friday, Blake decided to tell his side of the story.
First, he lamented the fact that Jamil is constantly on the receiving end of criticism despite her good intentions. But as far as the Munchausen syndrome is concerned, Blake says he has first-hand experience of the injuries and ailments Jamil has been accused of fabricating.
"I am there for her swollen joints, her dislocations, her severe allergic reactions, her constant high fevers," he writes. "I was there for her concussion, her three months of seizures, when the doctor gave her the cancer diagnosis, and for all her operations and their complications due to EDS."
He blames people's skepticism on the fact that Jamil does not look like someone who is sick.
"A lot of you literally think she is Tahani from The Good Place," he continues. "You don't know what her life is, and has been like. But I do, and I'm not gonna stand by and let some total strangers try to push my girlfriend over the edge to what...stop her from helping kids with eating disorders? Stop removing mainstream shame of talking about mental health?"
Jamil then quote-tweeted the statement with her own message: "You’re my best friend and my biggest love @jamesblake."
Whichever side you fall on, we are clearly living in the Bad Place right now.
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