Barb clapping when Hannah Ann tells off her precious Bud is truly the most unexpected moment in Bachelor history. #TheBachelor
— ShesAllBach (@ShesAllBach) March 11, 2020
This Barb cam is the best part of this whole season
— Connor Saeli (@ConnorSaeli) March 11, 2020
shout out to whoever made a barb cam so we can barbs reactions to everything: #TheBachelorFinale #TheBachelor
— sit crooked, talk bach (@allthingsbachl) March 11, 2020
Why did Barb Cam go away? BRING IT BACK. #TheBachelor
— Luggage Guy Trent (@BarstoolTrent) March 11, 2020
Barb cam is workin overtime tonight #TheBachelor
— Kaitlyn Bristowe (@kaitlynbristowe) March 11, 2020
The barb cam is killing my vibe #thebachelor
— Raven Gates (@ravengates) March 11, 2020
Barb wants to talk to the manager of the Bachelor franchise #TheBachelor
— jul (@juliaeamaral) March 11, 2020