In the wake of major disruptions to daily life, many people are taking the spread of the novel coronavirus and official calls for self-isolation very seriously. They’re working from home, cancelling events (including weddings), and pressing pause on visiting elderly loved ones.
Other people — for example, an unnamed person I follow on Instagram — see no issue with dancing on bars or going to a tapas dinner with 12 friends during this global pandemic. Taylor Swift has words for people in the age of coronavirus, and they can be summarized in two: stay home.
On her Instagram Story Sunday, Swift penned a pleading message to fans.
“I love you so much and need to express my concern that things aren’t being taken seriously enough right now,” she wrote. “I’m seeing lots of get-togethers and hangs and parties still happening. This is the time to cancel plans, actually truly isolate as much as you can and don’t assume that because you don’t feel sick that you aren’t possibly passing something on to someone elderly or vulnerable to this.”
Swift is already equipped for the homebody lifestyle. She loves good animal content and hopefully will share more photos of her cat children, Dr. Meredith Grey, Detective Olivia Benson, and Benjamin Button (adopted straight off her video for “ME!”) while she’s self-isolating.
Other stars calling for self-isolation during this time include Ariana Grande, who told people it’s “incredibly dangerous and selfish to take this situation lightly” Sunday on Twitter.
Self-isolation is hard — but for people who do not have an urgent need to leave their homes, it's an important way to stop the spread of this virus and protect the general population. Stream Swift’s documentary Miss Americana on Netflix in the meantime.