Get Ready: The Ultimate Too Hot To Handle Drinking Game Is Here

Photo: Courtesy of Netflix.
If anything has brought us together during these dire times, it’s weird and wild reality TV and game shows. With Tiger King mania dying down, we’re diving deep into Too Hot To Handle, because people not having sex (kinda) for a $100,000 prize is way more fun than animal abuse. 
Another thing we’re doing right now, fairly unapologetically, if you’re of age? Drinking. And why not combine two of our pleasures, with a Too Hot To Handle drinking game? Because there's no guilt and no rules in quarantine times.
So let’s make the banter on the show even better! Hop on Zoom with your mates, and get ready with shots, margs, and all the wine you need to play a fun Too Hot To Handle drinking game.
But before we start: what we’re not doing is overdoing it! Fun doesn’t land you in the hospital, so listen to your body and monitor your alcohol tolerance. Also, don’t try this at 10 a.m., trust us.
The rules are easy: if the following criteria are met, you take a drink. You can take a shot, or a sip, that’s up to you. We strongly suggest if you opt for shots, you pick just a couple of the most fun times to drink, and skip the rest.
Did someone share an illicit kiss costing the group $3,000? Time to drink!
Drink every time someone lies to the group about who started a hook-up, or if they hooked up at all. 
Take a sip or shot every time someone mentions that Kelz is “the accountant.”
Take a drink every time the camera zooms in on Kelz freaking out about losing money after a hook-up.
Drink every time Lana, the “robot,” announces a reduction in prize money.
Is Matthew going on about being “deep” again? Take a drink, you’ll need it.
Did Harry just call someone a “naughty little possum”? Time to drink again.
Speaking of, take a sip every time you start worrying about Francesca’s underboob popping out.
And of course, drink every time someone refers to being on a reality show as a journey, experience, or retreat.

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