Universal Standard Is Publishing A Chic Children’s Book On Inclusivity In Fashion

Photo: Getty Images.
Universal Standard, the beloved minimalist, size-inclusive, direct to-consumer brand, is pioneering in a new field: children’s books. And the timing really couldn’t be better, if you’re parenting your way through the current pandemic and need something new to do with your little ones.
The brand is launching a new book for kids focused on inclusivity called What Would Fashion Look Like If It Included All Of Us? The title looks to show a world where everyone is kind and accepting and promotes dismantling stereotypes.
Universal Standard’s website explains, “No matter what you look like, where you come from, or how you move through the world, you deserve to have clothing that makes you feel amazing!”
The first page features a simple dedication, reading, “To you. May you know you are worthy of being seen, and included, in fashion and beyond, just as you are.”
As you page through, you’ll see people of all colors, abilities, and sizes included as a fashion line is designed and planned and a fashion show is held. It even includes cute rhymes like, “Say your life is a little unique, you still deserve to look chic!”
People of all gender identities are shown shopping, hanging in the park, and sharing a meal, all looking fabulous, reminding our kids — and us — that there’s nothing to fear when the world becomes a kinder place. 
Alexandra Waldman, the co-founder and chief creative officer of Universal Standard, said, according to FASHION magazine, “We want to usher in a new, more encompassing idea of beauty, kindness, and inclusivity. We believe that the future is about a reset of how fashion looks at all of us, and how we all look back”
The book, which is available as a digital download on Universal Standard’s website, can also be pre-ordered now for $21, and will ship at the end of June. Even better, if you order a hard copy 100% of the purchase will be donated to #SAVEWITHSTORIES, in partnership with Save the Children and No Kid Hungry. So you can share an uplifting message with a child in your life, promote childhood literacy, and fight childhood hunger. What’s more chic than that?

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