We May Already Know What Upset Tayshia In That Bachelorette Fantasy Suites Promo

Photo: Courtesy of ABC.
Tayshia Adams may have eliminated Ben Smith after the hometown dates on The Bachelorette, but if you pay attention the show's two most recent end-of-episode promos, there's evidence he's coming right back. In the Dec. 15 promo for the Bachelorette's two-night finale, Tayshia is visibly upset about... something, so much so that she demands to know, "There's a rose ceremony, what do I do with that?" Well, the Dec. 14 promo from after the Men Tell All tells us what the "that" probably (definitely) is: Ben is coming back. Hear us out.
Watching Ben's limo exit, his remorse at not telling Tayshia he loved her was palpable through the screen. "Maybe she loved me, and she thought I didn't love her back," he said as he was surely being driven around by production for long enough to finally let that conclusion dawn on him. "If that's the case, I fucking blew it."
But with that choice quote and the previous evening's teaser reel, it seems that Ben may try to un-blow it by returning to confess his feelings to Tayshia. The promo from the Dec. 14 episode contained a scene with Ben and Tayshia talking in a hotel room that hasn't yet aired. "I've never felt this feeling, but I'm in love with you," Ben says. But couldn't that just be footage from hometowns that wasn't used? you might ask. Well, we also know it wasn't from the hometowns episode, because after Ben is eliminated, he confirms that he failed to get out an "I love you." Say it with us: Ben comes back.
What we don't know is if this movie is too little too late. But if Ben is what Tayshia is reacting to in the promo, then the confession clearly has an impact on her. This isn't the first time she's dealt with such a return, and this reaction is far different from the first go around. When Bennett Jordan returned to tell Tayshia he loved her, she reacted calmly, let him stick around through the following rose ceremony, and then casually kicked him off for good. This reaction was much stronger. And if she considers inviting Ben back to the show, like she did Bennett, that would be agonizing. Tayshia has already shed so many tears over her pre-and post-hometown eliminations. Bringing the group back up to four will only make it harder for her to figure out who she wants to end up with.
Whether or not this promo sleuthing pans out, one thing is absolutely certain: next week is going to be absolutely devastating.

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