Britney Spears Reportedly Won’t Ask Court To End Her Conservatorship In Upcoming Hearing

Photo: Isaac Brekken/Getty Images.
Update May 5, 2021: Sources have reportedly told TMZ that Britney Spears is planning to use her time during her upcoming special hearing on June 23 to directly ask the court to remove her father, Jamie Spears, from his role as co-conservator of her estate.
She is allegedly pleased with keeping her current permanent personal conservator, Jodi Montgomery, in the picture, but wants Jamie out. Some speculated that Britney wanted to address the court in order to ask end the conservatorship completely, but "Britney does not feel trapped in the 13-year-old conservatorship," TMZ reported.
"As one source put it, 'She has 99% of the freedom she'd have if she weren't in a conservatorship, and the only thing she's prevented from doing are crazy things, like buying 3 cars at a time [something she tried to do back in the day].'" The sources also say that Britney has been free to travel as she pleases, and "lives her life in L.A. without real restrictions."
The following article was originally published on April 28, 2021.
Britney Spears has kept relatively silent about her conservatorship for over a decade — but now, she’s ready to speak out.
At a court hearing on April 27, Samuel D. Ingham III, the court-appointed lawyer who represents Spears in her conservatorship, asked Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Brenda Penny to schedule a hearing to allow the singer to speak on the “status of the conservatorship.” “The conservatee has requested that I seek from the court a status hearing at which she can address the court directly,” Ingham asked the judge. He also proposed that the hearing be "expedited" and scheduled within 30 days. Judge Penny granted the request, and scheduled the additional hearing for June 23. The next regularly scheduled hearing after that will be held July 14.
Though Ingham didn't specify what Spears would say, fans (especially those affiliated with the #FreeBritney movement) are excited about this development. The pop star has been in a conservatorship overseen by her father, Jamie Spears, for 13 years, and has largely kept her thoughts about her situation to herself. The only hints that the public has gotten about her real feelings have been through legal moves, like when she requested to change her conservatorship by removing her father entirely.
However, outside of court, Britney constantly puts on a sunny front — dancing on Instagram and reassuring fans that she's happy.
“I’m extremely happy, I have a beautiful home, beautiful children,” Spears said on Instagram during a Q&A on April 16. “I’m taking a break right now because I’m enjoying myself.”
It's safe to say that anticipation is at an all-time high now that Britney will get the floor, especially given that February's Framing Britney Spears documentary drummed up much more fervor and attention to the star's ongoing case. But it needs to be said that fans shouldn't necessarily get their hopes up too high. Just as Britney could use the time to speak her truth and divulge something new, she could also be planning to say something more mundane or more of what we already know — like how much she wants to get rid of her father's control over her for good and replace him with her former temporary conservator, Jodi Montgomery. According to TMZ sources, that's the most likely scenario: "The biggest thing she wants to get off her chest is her dad's involvement in her life." They also reported that we should "expect a wide-ranging discussion between the judge and Britney," and unless the two plan to discuss private matters like Britney's medical condition, "the hearing should be open to the media and the public" on Zoom.
However, something worth paying attention to is whether she says she wants her conservatorship to end all together, which is something she hasn't directly expressed yet.
Whatever happens, it will be nice to at least see the singer, who's been on a hiatus, take center stage once again.

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