Is it sad that one of the highlights of our year so far probably has a calorie-count higher than a Big Mac? Yes, iconic French patiserrie Ladurée's arrival in NYC last month has awakened a sweet tooth that just won't quit. The epically elegant space, a modern-day Marie Antoinette mind-trip, is so inherently glam that, really, those grams of fat don't count. And there's no better time of year to ignore that faux-fact than Halloween, when cheap candy and daily office cupcake deliveries (FYI, as a thank you present, we'd rather get alcohol) are more abundant than PBRs at 169 Bar. So, here's the most amazing alternative to SweeTarts ever—for the spooky-and-stripper holiday, Ladurée has concocted limited-edition Halloween macarons, available October 21, which they guarantee will turn you into a "macaron-eating zombie." In a blinding bright orange, the confections are fittingly flavored with orange passion fruit, all housed in a belle epoque-style noir box with decadent gold trim. The scariest part of this scenario? They're exclusive to the Big Apple, meaning if you're not trick-or-treating here, you might as well be the living dead.

6 macrons, $20,Ladurée New York; 864 Madison Avenue (between 70th and 71st streets); 646-558-3157.
Photo: Courtesy of CKPR Public Relations