You’re known for your handbags, but now we’ve been seeing awesome apparel and shoes with your name on them. Do you have a favorite item to design? What can we expect to see from you in the coming seasons?
“No, actually I really love designing all the different categories…there is never a dull moment! Keep you eyes open for my new eyewear collection coming out in the spring!”
Have you ever been super-excited to see a celeb wearing your designs? If so, who?
“Yes—Reese Witherspoon.”
What do you consider the fall It-bag from this season’s collection?
“The Cupid in raspberry!”
What is your primary motivation when designing handbags? It is fashion or function or does it depend?
“It’s a mixture of both—we go through a test process where I’ll have an employee wear a bag and make sure that its functional. Often, we’ll make adjustments based on their feedback.”
Do you tend to stick with one handbag per season or do you swap styles on a daily basis?
“I have about two that I’ll switch off wearing on a daily basis, I’ll wear those for about two months and then I’ll switch them out with two new ones.”
What has been the most surreal experience since you started in fashion? Have you had that 'Is this really happening' moment?
“Yes! A few times actually. Most recently it happened when I found out I won an Ace Award for the Breakthrough category!”
Congratulations on Baby Luca! We know you’re only about a week in, but how do you like being a mom? Has it impacted your view of fashion and your work?
“Thank you! I absolutely love it. He’s perfect and precious and edible! It actually made me realize that I absolutely love working and can’t wait to get back to the office and be a working mom.”