What are you doing for Halloween this year?
"I don’t really dress up, but my kids dress up, so I live vicariously through them. They picked [their costumes] out themselves. My daughter is a witch and my son is Luigi, the counterpart of Mario."
You're running in the NYC Marathon this year! What has been your absolute favorite thing about training for it?
"It’s having that time for myself. I don’t run with music or anything so it’s just solid headspace, which I’ve really appreciated. I don’t think I ever have silence. We’re all so connected all the time that I haven’t had that in a long time, apart from flights and now you can’t have that either anymore. It’s given me so much to just have that time alone. But to feel capable that I can do something like that is incredibly empowering."
What kind of fragrance girl are you?
"I like sweet and spicy. Violet is in [Avon Step into Sexy] and that was my first scent that I loved as a child. I liked it as a single scent, but in this we have three different scents as well: Freesia, which is also gorgeous, and black raspberry, which I’ve never really had in any fragrance until now. I kind of like soft and feminine. It’s funny, I like how fragrance is different on everybody and, on me, it tends to be a warmer scent, so it starts to get spicy even if it’s more of a floral. I think it’s nice when it becomes something different on each person."
What is the main difference that girls today starting out in the modeling world have to face that you didn’t have to deal with when you were that age?
"I don’t really know what the experience is like for young women today. I think the same problems are that there are no protection for young women. You’re very, very young and my mom was with me a lot of the time, but that’s not really the norm. So I always worry about young girls that are vunerable, in any business, but when they are so far away, so many of them from their homes and their families, and they have a lot of trust in people, so that still worries me."
Your skin is literally glowing. What do you do?
"I don’t believe in doing anything. I’m not a surgery person and I don’t believe in anything that’s really rough and harsh. I’ve been a yoga practictioner for years. I like the sun; I don’t bake in it, but I think it’s important to get a bit of sun. I’m also lucky genetically – my mom has really gorgeous skin and I’m proud that I can look healthy and I exude health and not something that’s been done to me. I’m proud of that."